
Smith’s goal is to prepare students to live in a global society by offering a rich array of international and inter文化 opportunities for all students, 从第一年到他们在学校的最后一年. 所有学生都有学习的机会, 工作, participate in research or travel abroad or have an internationally oriented experience in the United States.


The 刘易斯全球研究中心's FLEX programming initiative offers faculty opportunities to design and lead short-term global learning travel programs (1–3 weeks) to either enhance an existing course or as a newly credited course offered during winter, 春假或暑假. 这一倡议取代了以前的全球参与研讨会. The goal is to build a range of global experiential learning activities that can be readily adapted to departmental and faculty interests. 项目 may be outside of the United States or have a global theme within the United States.

Please direct any questions about the Global FLEX program or the process to 刘易斯全球研究中心.

Barbados: Caribbean Popular Culture: 历史, Performance and the Museum

资讯会:3月8日星期五下午12:15.m. 在杜威公共休息室

这一短期, faculty-led program will examine the public display of culture in the Caribbean. 它向学生介绍了加勒比地区的跨学科研究, 特别注意历史, 环境, socio-文化 features of modern existence that have come to constitute Caribbean experience, 并在其流行文化中得到了证明.

亚利桑那州: American Indians, Tribes, and Environmental Issues in the American Southwest

这一短期, faculty-led program will provide the opportunity to learn about American Indian tribes and their relationship to nature in Tucson, 亚利桑那州. The program will bring into focus the lives of American Indians and the environment at different scales by visiting communities and exploring the political, 文化, 经济, 以及美国印第安人的社会活动. Field trips will visit Indian tribes and other communities in the region while seminars will take place with academics at the School of Anthropology at the University of 亚利桑那州. 

学生可以使用以下工具在线申请全球FLEX项目 澳门葡京博彩软件国际旅行体验系统 (网站). 客座学生 可以创建配置文件并登录到SITES吗 在这里. Once in SITES, go to 搜索 项目 and use the keyword ‘FLEX’ to locate the current programs.

  1. An initial site visit to plan the program and select local program providers, 通常是计划项目的前一年. 教师 may be asked to seek additional support from CFCD or departmental funds.
  2. A one-time program development stipend of $1,500 is available for new programs.
  3. 教员津贴2美元,000 /周, 课程长度最多为三周, 计划, 设计, 领导并报道旅游项目.
  4. 出差教员的机票、住宿和膳食.
  5. 根据学生的经济需求状况,部分覆盖学生的费用. 学生需要支付部分课程费用, 以及任何相关签证, 免疫或其他差旅费用.

  1. Priority funding is for programs intended to be offered on at least two occasions, with calendar year timing dependent on the number of trips offered each year. 两次旅行以上的经费将需要从其他来源提供.
  2. 教师 are required to participate in a risk management 工作shop and training offered annually.  还需要举行额外的离境前风险评估会议.
  3. In most cases, logistics will be supported by a local contractor or institution. A services contract and/or MOU will be prepared by the faculty member and local contractor in coordination with the Lewis Center.
  4. 项目 are required to include professional student affairs support to assist with logistics and handle student health and safety issues during the program.
  5. 教师 will write a short report with documentation (such as photos and student assignments) for donor reports, 在项目结束后90天内提交.
  6. 学生 will complete evaluations and submit thank you letters to the donor(s) at the end of the program.

Course enhancement proposals will require 刘易斯全球研究中心 and Committee on 出国留学 (CSA) approval; proposals requesting a new course designation and credit will also need to be submitted to the Committee on Academic 优先级 (CAP). This process can take 6—10 weeks depending on when the initial proposal is received.

  1. Proposal is initially submitted to the Lewis Center directors for review and determination of viability.
  2. 根据初步审查和要求提供更多信息, 建议随后提交给CSA批准出国留学.
  3. 申请新的学分课程(通常为2学分), 得到了刘易斯中心和CSA的支持, 提交给CAP作最后考虑和课程批准.

会议 & 事件


一年一度的 庆祝合作:学生和教师一起工作 conference showcases and celebrates the scholarly 工作 of 澳门葡京博彩软件 students. 学生们展示他们毕业论文的成果, 独立研究项目, 研究研讨会和其他创造性工作作为口头会议的一部分, 面板, 海报会议, 展览及表演. Projects are developed as a result of associations with the Kahn Liberal Arts Institute or 实践, 例如, 从科学到技术, 社会, 表演艺术的文化和文学研究.


一年一度的 澳门葡京博彩软件在世界会议上 explores the relationship between formal classroom education and learning that takes place in off-campus programs, 比如实习, 留学和社区服务.


澳门葡京博彩软件 undergraduate students are invited to participate in the United World College 澳门葡京博彩软件 Program's 和平项目. 这个项目鼓励学生的主动性, 以预防冲突为重点的创新创业, 解决与和解,实现可持续和平. 该计划的目的是在全球范围和影响, 但是具体的项目可以在任何地方进行, 包括在美国. 最有希望的项目将获得1万美元的实施奖励.

看到 过去的项目和建议.


和平计划是由戴维斯家族资助的 凯瑟琳·W. 戴维斯, a lifelong internationalist and philanthropist who died in April 2013 at the age of 106. Kathryn 戴维斯 believed that today's youth—tomorrow's leaders—ought to be challenged to formulate and test their own ideas.


所有澳门葡京博彩软件的本科生都有资格申请这个奖项. 学生可以单独申请,也可以团体申请. Seniors who complete the program over the summer after graduation are eligible for the award. 项目必须在获得奖助金的夏季进行.



请参阅 指导 建议要求和说明网页. 

所有提交必须以电子方式发送至 global@cspc-football.com,引起…的注意:


所有获奖方案的最终决定将于3月份公布. 此后不久就会收到录取通知. Grant payments will be made shortly after all agreements have been received. 


每个资助项目必须提交一份最终报告. 请参阅 指南网页的最后反思部分 对于需求. 


奖学金办公室, the Office for International Study and the Lazarus Center for Career Development advise students and alumnae applying for international fellowships (such as the Rhodes, 马歇尔, 米切尔, 富布赖特, Luce和NSEP)以及国际实习和工作. Also, the Office for International Study allocates funds for international experiences.

学术部门 typically provide links to opportunities for research and grants for funding; be sure to check the department's website and connect with your academic adviser to see what's available.